Following on from the map I need to develop a strategy to get to somewhere else.
I have used a common tool in change management which easliey visualises and conveys what you are looking to become in a single visual. It is a Strategy on a Page (SOAP for short).
In this post you will find the tools required to develop strategic programme thinking yourself using my personal SOAP to give examples. It does not matter if you are a corner shop, individual, SME or something bigger. These are tried and trusted methods for generating clarity of purpose and being able to articuate that to a group of interested parties.
You will also find an example of myself as I use the thought process to further define what I need to do to move from where I am on the map to where I want to be.

My mission is to re-adjust the remainder of my working life which has decades left to run and do more of the things I love to do in my roles and less of the chores. I can sum this up by ‘Working with more people in the future than I have in the past. Whilst giving more back than I have been able up to now. You are already aware from other articles that I am interested in sustainablity and footprint so it seems fitting that this is the central pillar of the SOAP. The travel pillar does not sit well with the sustainablity pillar but both are important to me and I intend to strike a balance in that tension.
I feel the rest ofthe sustainable statements and the changes being made will all fall into smaller blog posts which will keep me honest on how I am working against the strategy and provide examples for people to use to show how they can do the same.
For more information on how to create a SOAP of your own and the considerations be mindful of follow this link here