Following on from the map I need to develop a strategy to get to somewhere else.
In this post you will find the tools required to develop strategic programme thinking yourself using my personal SOAP to give examples. It does not matter if you are a corner shop, individual, SME or something bigger. These are tried and trusted methods for generating clarity of purpose and being able to articuate that to a group of interested parties.
You will also find an example of myself as I use the thought process to further define what I need to do to move from where I am on the map to where I want to be.
Strategic fit Matrix
A check to ensure you are DOING the right things to make the best steps forward wowards ALL your aims.
A Simple strategy board will organise these things for you.

There are only 4 things you need to create to be able to develop your strategy. A mission Statement, Strategic Intents, Measureable statements and changes you are going to make. Linking them to how they support the pillars will ensure you are moving all the things you need to get closer to your goals. Lets look at each in turn using myself as an example.
Mission Statement. One sentence which encapsulates where you want to be.

Strategic Intents. Themes which form the pillars of the indididual or organisation which when used with the mission statement will generate the drive to make the changes. These statements will generate ownership, the measures required to know if you are on track and the direction to make changes if things are not going the right way or risks mean that a different approach is required.

Change Themes (programmes) and changes. What are the things under the pillars you are going to need to change to align to the strategy? Make then measureable even if you do not measure at the momement, set the baseline and start measureing then affect the changes.

And then a list of a list of things you are actually going to DO to get closer to where you want to be.
Things will be more complete dependednt on the organisation and stakeholder structure. For in individual or small business the group which needs to input the process is small, perhaps just friends and family. That can make this process all the more difficult however becasue the thought process is a conversation with yourself. For larger businesses the skills of the business both make it easier to discuss these topics and harder to gain agreement on the final shape of the strategy. For NGB / NGO’s the stakeholder gtoup is wider and incorporates many tangible and in tangible groups. The discussion can therefore take an extended period of time to acheive the right outcomes.
It’s really important that you don’t try and create the strategy by taking these points 1 by 1. The likelihood is that you will not create a valid mission statement without the thought process in the other steps.
An Approach:
Write down a mission statement of where you want to be.
Write down the things that matter to you or your business.
Check that they fit within the mission Statement. Check they cover everything you want within the Mission. If not adjust until they are closer.
Write down a list of things you are doing now, or are thinking of doing in the future, Check back do the high level things you are thinking of doing align with the intent you have set? Is there anything that works against them? Is there anything that does not influence them? Analyse that. If there something missing in the intent? Or should the thing not be a focus?